The Aqua-Lung Spider

While all most spiders live comfortably on land, the aqua-lung spider (or diving bell spider) chooses to make his home under water. Like other spiders, the aqua-lung breathes air, so it must have a ready supply under the surface of the water. The spider spins a web tent under water, then goes to the surface to grab an air bubble. He carries the bubble down and releases it under the tent where it joins other bubbles to form an air pocket. He adds bubbles until he has a big bubble large enough to crawl into to carry on his activities.

When it comes time to mate and raise a family, the male and female aqua-lung spiders build bubble tents side by side and the female builds a third bubble room upstairs for the eggs. Each spiderling is given a tiny bubble of air as a start in life, without which it would die. Soon he swims to the surface for a new supply of air.

Aqua-lung spiders feed mostly on small fish, which they capture and take to their diving bell to eat. They do not catch the fish in their webs, as some land spiders catch insect prey. Instead they use threads as telegraph lines. When a potential meal brushes against one of these threads, the movement signals the spider, then it quickly moves into action to capture the prey.

When away from his tent, an aqua-lung spider must carry an air bubble with him. The placing of that bubble is extremely important. He breathes through tiny pores in his abdomen, so the bubble must totally surround that part of the body, serving as a kind of oxygen mask. If you were to duplicate the spider’s method of underwater survival, you would swim to the surface of the water, grab an air bubble somewhat larger than your head and then put your head into it to breathe the air.

Isn’t it amazing the way God created such a great variety of life on our earth, then gave each the wisdom and know-how to live?